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5 easy principles for a diet that supports longevity

The ultimate guide to boost energy and focus while effortlessly keeping the weight off.

Forget dieting, counting, measuring, questioning, researching, and fixating on “forbidden” foods.

Use these 5 easy-to-follow, science backed, proven, timeless principles for a diet that boosts energy and focus while effortlessly keeping the weight off.


  • 5 easy-to-follow principles
  • Tips to apply them
  • Top 10 most nutrient-dense foods
  • Shortlist of fermented food for gut health

When following these 5 easy principles, you will:

- Maintain energy all day: no more crashing in the middle of the day - boost focus: done feeling sluggish in the afternoon

- Adjust and maintain weight and body composition: lose the belly fat

- Reduce inflammation coming from your diet: manage the risk of disease

- Experience elevated mood: get rid of the anxiety and mood swings due to your food.

Your free guide here

ating healthy has never been so hard. Contradictory advice, fad diets, cult-like mindsets,...

Who and what can you trust these days?

I have created this guide to make food choices easy for high achieving, busy professionals like you. Here we go.

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    Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionnist. This is not a diet or a meal plan.

    I am a health scientist sharing evidence-based principles to simplify food choices.