
1UP: the extra life newsletter

The life-giving practice that no longevity expert talks about

Hi Reader

Welcome back to 1UP,
my weekly newsletter where I share all things health and mindsets to help you get stronger, feel younger and live longer.

Inward & Upward

There is something about the human experience that is grossly overlooked by the longevity experts and anti-aging science-led gurus.

Something that cannot be powdered, put in a pill or sold as a bio-hacking gadget.

Yet it has been shown to be linked to
- longer life
- greater satisfaction in life
- sense of purpose
- decreased risk of mortality
- decreased risk of cardiovascular disease,
- decreased risk of cancer
- decreased risk of suicide
- decreased risk of cognitive decline

I am talking about spirituality.

In the scientific field, studies look at spirituality and religiosity as different concepts that overlap.
It also reflects a phenomenon, as many people would describe themselves as spiritual but not following a religion (in the US 22%).

Engaging in spirituality and religiosity

- communing with natureIn practice, this presents as:
- beliefs about the world, the existence of a spiritual realm an afterlife
- experiences of transcendence and connection to something bigger
- adherence to a set of moral values and behaviors
- belonging to a like-minded community
- prayers, looking inward, reflection
- attendance to regular services
- communing with nature
- reading scriptures

A number of studies have shown that all of these aspects can contribute in turn to improved physiological functions, healthier behaviors and better outcomes following a diagnosis.

Benefits of spirituality and religiosity

People with spiritual practices and religious beliefs have been found to:
- have better abilities handling emotion in stressful situations
- have larger and stronger social networks
- approach life's challenges with a more positive and optimistic outlook
- be more likely to eat well, and less likely to engage in harmful habits
- have better mental health (lower rates of depression, less anxiety, less stress, greater well-being and positive emotions).

As a result, religious belief may extend life by 4 years (source).

In 2021, only 4 in ten US adults considered religion to be "very important".

Could they be missing out?

What about you Reader?

Why investing in our spiritual health

Maybe you loosely hold some beliefs and could explore this part of your life more?And by doing so, boosting your healthspan and lifespan.

This may not even be on your radar.
Yet could help you experience more meaning, awe, peace and optimism.

I have made October a very spiritual month for me this year.

When everyone is busy summoning the deads with Halloween, I choose to summon the living.

I am dedicating 3 weeks to fasting distractions and investing more time engaging in my spiritual practices.

I have fasted foods many times before.
This time I chose to limit my phone use, to stop scrolling on social media and not venture on youtube, because these were behaviors I was engaging in that felt disconnecting.
I felt disconnected from my God, myself, my kids and my life.
I am replacing it with spiritual practices: prayers, devotion, reading, reflection and worshipping.

You may think "Must be nice to have the time to do that..."
Well, that's the whole point of a fast. I have to make an effort to suppress other things and put my faith first.

That's a reset for the mind.

One of the lessons I have learned from my personal experience, that I want to share with you:

There are things we try to solve with our intellect, things we try to approach with reason, that are in fact rooted in the spirit.

Do you know how weird this is for me to say?

Me, the scientist... I had built my life and identity on my brains.

My ability to think, to understand complex biological processes and troubleshoot difficult problems are my talents
That's what brought me to do research.
This was who i was.

Until I found faith and invested in my spiritual growth.
Until I learned that some truths are found inward and upward.

Take it from me, someone who rejected religion and thought spiritual things were woo woo and beliefs for the weak-minded:

There are things that we can fix and improve by investing in our spiritual life, that we couldn't otherwise.

What would you like to do to take a step in this direction Reader?

Hit reply to let me know.

With love,

Jihane Farrell,

Your longevity side-kick

Health, Prosperity, Long life

110 Ebony boulevard, Sherwood Park, Alberta T8H2X9
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1UP: the extra life newsletter

This is a newsletter for people over 40 who are interested in longevity. I share tips and principles to empower you to add quality years to your life by increasing your healthspan with the science of aging. Start leveraging the compounding effect for your health now.

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