
1UP: the extra life newsletter

This is a newsletter for longevity-focused wealth-builders to feel younger than they are. I share tips and principles to empower you to add quality years to your life by increasing your healthspan with the science of aging. Start leveraging the compounding effect for your health now.

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What I told my mom, 65, unfit and losing her ability to remain independent

by Jihane Farrell Hi Reader Welcome back to 1UP, my weekly newsletter where I share all things health and mindsets to help you get stronger, feel younger and live longer. Use it or lose it My mom officially retired this year, at the age of 65. Since she quit working, she has been a lot less active and I have been worried about her: "It's laborious for me to take the garbage out. It's hard to lift it up to get in the bin." "There are so many stairs for me to get home. I'm scared to fall...

by Jihane Farrell Hi Reader Welcome back to 1UP, my weekly newsletter where I share all things health and mindsets to help you get stronger, feel younger and live longer. Today's issue is brought to you by Better Day Blueprint. This mini-course is designed to help you reclaim 2 hours of your personal time for your health and fitness. You don't have to sacrifice your health to succeed in your career. Click the link below to buy the course, and let's get you both, so you can feel better over 40...

Hello Reader I did my quarterly body composition and have been doing the happy dance all week. I have put on almost 3 pounds of muscle mass (2.7 lbs) between June and September. These are great gains and today, I am going to share with you exactly how I did it: 3 keys to build up strength for increased quality of life if you're over 40. I would love for you to experience the same.I'm not holding anything back, I share it all with you so you can go and do this on your own. Not only because...

Moebius illustrates The Alchemist by Paul Coehlo

Hi Reader In my last email, I shared about a survey reporting that 61% of people fear being broke more than they fear death. What about you Reader, which one is your biggest fear? Were you as shocked as I was to read it? When I first came across this number, I could hardly believe it. We value money and material possession more than we value our own life. But then I thought, it explains why we don't put our health first. Because health is life. I am not one of the 61%. Mostly because I have...

Hello Reader I was on a call with a client a couple of weeks ago and she asked "Why don't we take better care of ourselves Jihane?". She's had a stellar carrier as an executive in banking. She is a brilliant, accomplished, and loving mother of two, realizing that it's time for her to make a change for her health. We're working together on making her health a non-negotiable. We have to be very careful with "Why" questions. Depending on the answer, they can enable us to build narratives that...

Hello Reader Yesterday we celebrated my daughter's first birthday. Some of you know that it was a very special day. Born with a complex heart defect, she fell ill in November of last year and due to her condition ended up staying for a 5-month hospitalization. Within this time frame, she was intubated, she had a first surgery to stop her lungs from bleeding, she caught multiple infections, and she had open heart surgery. It's safe to say that she wouldn't have had a birthday if it wasn't for...

Hello Reader I was a liar for most of my life and I did not even consider it a problem. Mostly small lies : you know, "inconsequential" lies to justify why I was a few minutes late or to decline invitations. But also secrets sometimes: saying I had a cold, when in fact having a debilitating hangover, hiding mistakes at work. Now, 8 years into being the most truthful I can be, I see how this habit kept me in the darkness I was in at the time. Today, I am proud to be able to tell my daughter...

Hello Reader I hope the breakdown of longevity lifestyles I offered last week made it less overwhelming. Still, each level comes with different challenges, traps to avoid, and a boss to defeat. You know what would be better for your health. We all do. It's the putting it in action that is difficult. In my experience, and having worked with many people on this, it takes removing one major roadblock for everything else to fall in place. What is something you struggle to do on your own and MOST...

Hello Reader I like to think of longevity lifestyles in levels. If you are familiar with my 7 pillars for a longer and richer life, you know that there are many factors that contribute to lasting health. It may seem like a lot to tackle for someone optimizing for longevity. But in my experience, these lifestyles are built layer by layer. There are levels to this. Level 1: Let go of what is robbing you of your life Back in 2016, I had a very problematic relationship with alcohol. I was also...

Hello Reader Today I want to bring something else to your radar: hormones. These molecules coordinate biological functions and are responsible for relaying information through our body: brain to reproductive system, gut to brain, adrenals to heart,... Hormones orchestrate everything from reproduction to response to stress, hunger, growth, nutrient sensing, sleep, immune response, etc. With all the things we're exposed to, being in constant overdrive, and unhealthy habits can throw our...