
1UP: the extra life newsletter

The one question people who focus on healthspan ask themselves

Published over 1 year ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader

The #1 differentiator between those who increase their health span, live healthier for longer,
versus those who get weaker, sicker and end up living assisted
is asking yourself "What is under my control?" and claiming as much of it.

You see, ageing is 25% genes, 75% environment, so most of it is under our control.

People who are on the neglect-related decline line tell themselves that it’s inevitable.

I certainly was like that. Up until recently, I thought that getting older meant going down. That there was nothing that could be done to mitigate the damage and the effect of time.

“I'm just getting old”, "It's all down hill", "I might as well drink and smoke, since life is so short".

Sadly I see this at play with my own parents. It's not their fault. That's what we have been brought to believe: the idea that age is synonymous with decline.

But that is simply not true.

The problem with such beliefs is that they contribute to accumulating dysfunction, lifestyles that lead to chronic health issues, and increase health care cost. People who believe that it's inevitable age faster.

When in fact, one simple question can put the rest of your life on a very different trajectory.

The ones who are constantly pushing the limit of healthspan ask themselves “what is under my control?”

They own their time and make choices that are life-giving.

These are people who get stronger as they get older, keep building muscle to offset age, they constantly learn, they eat well, they walk and spend time with friends and family. They age slower.

Asking "What is under my control?" is asking: What can I do everyday that will contribute to longevity? What am I putting in my body? What is feeding my thoughts? How am I speaking to myself? How am I tending to relationships?

Every day is an opportunity to make choices that will help you age slower.

In upcoming emails, I will share the kind of choices you can make to push the curve and increase your healthspan.

Talk soon

1UP: the extra life newsletter

by Dr. Jihane Farrell

This is a newsletter for longevity-focused wealth-builders to feel younger than they are. I share tips and principles to empower you to add quality years to your life by increasing your healthspan with the science of aging. Start leveraging the compounding effect for your health now.

Read more from 1UP: the extra life newsletter

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