Time is... energy

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Welcome back to 1UP,
my weekly newsletter where I share all things health and mindsets to help you get stronger, feel younger and live longer.

Today's issue is brought to you by Better Day Blueprint.

This mini-course is designed to help you reclaim 2 hours of your personal time for your health and fitness.

You don't have to sacrifice your health to succeed in your career.

Click the link below to buy the course, and let's get you both, so you can feel better over 40 than ever before:

I just read this article based on the work about waves of two Nobel-prize quantum physicists (the cat guy Shrodinger and a fellow French man Louis De Broglie) that said:

"We can use energy to manipulate time, it means that energy itself determines and influences time." - Mihal Woronko

The idea behind this, is that objects with high energy move or transform quickly, while objects with low energy evolve slowly.

That's basically the concept I teach in Better Day Blueprint.

Matching our highest energy, focus and motivation to the task increases our capacity to do a job, which takes less time.

More energy = faster progress

So, as nobel prize physicists established, energy determines time.

That's great news, because if we do run out of time, there is always a way to expand energy.

If you have been putting work before health for years now, I want to invite you to think about your relationship to your time in a different way.

Productivity research shows that it's not about the amount of time we spend on work that matters, but the quality, the presence, the energy we put in it.

  • Employees working 6 hours show the same productivity levels as those working for 8+ hours (source)
  • The 10% most productive people take real breaks (check it here)
  • Workers who exercised three times a week were 15% more likely to have better job performance (study here)

What gives us more energy, also gives us more time aka longer life:

Whole food
Meaningful work


Similarly, in Biology, studies of longevity in the worm c. elegans show that maintaining energy, or way for the organism to maintain energy, prolongs life.


Maybe not.
Energy is time.

Jihane Farrell,

Your longevity side-kick

Health, Prosperity, Long life


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1UP: the extra life newsletter

This is a newsletter for longevity-focused wealth-builders to feel younger than they are. I share tips and principles to empower you to add quality years to your life by increasing your healthspan with the science of aging. Start leveraging the compounding effect for your health now.

Read more from 1UP: the extra life newsletter

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