Optimize hormones for better relationship to yourself and your loved ones

Hello Reader

Today I want to bring something else to your radar: hormones.

These molecules coordinate biological functions and are responsible for relaying information through our body: brain to reproductive system, gut to brain, adrenals to heart,...

Hormones orchestrate everything from reproduction to response to stress, hunger, growth, nutrient sensing, sleep, immune response, etc.

With all the things we're exposed to, being in constant overdrive, and unhealthy habits can throw our hormones for a loop. Not the physiological loop they're supposed to be on.

Imbalance is not uncommon and once hormones are out of whack, everything is out of whack: energy levels, mood, sleep, appetite and weight.

In today's email, you will also discover how this can ruin our relationships.

While natural changes in hormone production and levels are associated with age, it's important to be able to tease apart aging and imbalance.

Seeking understanding and support through the normal changes that come with aging can also make the difference between growing old with the people we love, and becoming the victim of loneliness.

Signs and symptoms of imbalance:
- feeling tired and weak,
- feeling bloated,
- sudden weight gain or loss that cannot be explained by lifestyle
- brain fog, decline in memory
- dry skin, hair loss
- feeling tired all the time
- low libido, sexual desire or erectile dysfunction

Nutrition, physical activity, modern living that gets us out of sync with the day/night cycle, excessive stimulation, porn, toxins we're exposed to,... there are so many reasons why our hormones get out of balance, and our life with it.

And here are common mistakes I see: writing things off as a result of "getting older" or "just suffering through it".

Age does not mean you should give up on feeling good or create a wedge in your relationships.

Menopause does not mean you should be in pain or unable to function.
Decline in testosterone is normal, but having testosterone levels of a 60 year-old at 40 is not.

So how can you tell if it's a normal part of aging or something else?

>Find a doctor to get tested

Hormone testing is relatively easy compared to other things such as nutrient deficiencies.
If you're over 40, why not getting a clear idea of where you currently are with your hormones and save yourself worry, pain, discomfort and difficulty losing weight or a miserable sex life?

Stress hormones and longevity

Although some levels of cortisol are necessary and beneficial (tied to our day/night cycle), chronically elevated cortisol on the other hand, can cause:
- increased blood pressure, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and stroke,
- higher blood glucose levels leading to insulin resistance and diabetes,
- decreased immune system function

Elevated cortisol is also found in patients with Alzheimer disease and is asssociated with faster progression of dementia (Source)

Stress contributes to accelerated aging as measured by epigenetic biological age.

Cortisol is relatively easy to measure with a saliva test.

Strategies to manage stress and cortisol:
Learn to relax, meditate and disconnect.
If you're anything like me, this doesn't come naturally. It takes intention and the skills to manage stress.

I provide all the resources and support to do that as step 1 of my coaching program 1UP for extra life for people hyper-focused on success, or who love working so much that they don't make enough space for the rest.

Because I have been there and I know what it takes to make this shift.

Thyroid function and longevity:

The thyroid gland controls our metabolic rate, hence our energy. This can manifest as restlessness when "hyper" and fatigue with "hypo" thyroid function.

Thyroid disease is common, and women are five to eight times more likely to be diagnosed with a thyroid condition than men.

study published in JAMA in 2017 found that Participants with low-normal thyroid function lived up to 3.5 years longer overall than participants with high-normal thyroid function.

Strategies to support thyroid function:
Diet and habits are a great place to start to support a healthy thyroid at any age. Here is a PDF with everything you need:


Insulin and longevity:

There is a complex relationship between insulin and longevity.
Insulin can activate FOXO, a family of protein associated to longevity. Insulin resistance is associated with metabolic disease, which is a major offender in shortening life.

Maintaining insulin sensitivity (our body's ability to respond to normal levels of insulin) is important for healthy aging.

Strategies for insulin sensitivity
- Build muscle mass: muscle is a metabolically active tissue that supports healthy blood sugar and insulin.
- Limit foods that can spike blood sugar: frequent high sugar intake overstimulates insulin production. Overtime, it can lead to insulin resistance.
- Physical activity supports insulin function. We are more insulin sensitive after exercise.
- Prioritize sleep: chronic sleep deprivation (6 hours or less) increases insulin resistance, which is a risk factor for diabetes.

Women, sex hormones and longevity:

Interesting facts :
- Women have more testosterone than estrogen
- We are the only species with such long (3 or more decades) post-menopausal lifespan, the exception
- Women in industrialized societies tend to have higher estrogen levels during premenopausal life, and experience a greater reduction in estrogen across menopause than do women living in foraging societies, which may explain the discomfort many women experience.

Age of menopause varies, but occurs in theory around 50. Women who go through menopause earlier, die earlier than women who go through menopause later.

Changes in hormones can start up to 10 years earlier, in particular with a gradual decrease in testosterone.

Once through menopause, estrogen and progesterone disappear.
Everything can deteriorate very quickly: brain, bone, muscle, heart.

This sounds scary, but fortunately there are many ways to manage this transition.

For many women, a diet rich in phyto-estrogen can help together with other recommendations from a physician.

For others, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is wildly available, very safe when done with a professional, and can be a game changer for some women experiencing the discomfort of menopause.

The main advantage of HRT at the start of menopause is being able to maintain sleep, preserve bone density and support the ability to build muscle.
This is even more powerful when done together with a focus on
the 7 pillars of longer and richer life.

Strategies for optimizing sex hormones:
- Seek the help of a professional to get tested for levels of sex hormones in your 40s, prior to menopause.
- Set yourself up for an easier transition: address imbalances. Lifestyle and environmental factors can drive an excess estrogen. For these women, menopause can be a challenging time, as they experience a bigger shift. Simple lifestyle modifications can help balance hormones.
- Find a doctor you can see regularly to help you through the transition from pre- to peri- to post- menopause and help you determine what can best support you.

Women do not have to go through the pain of menopause.

There is no reason to suffer the physical symptoms of menopause.

And it can also be very difficult for husbands to navigate this time.

In fact, a survey conducted by The Family Law Menopause Project and Newson Health Research and Education in the UK, showed that 7 in 10 women (73%) who responded blame the menopause for the breakdown of their marriage.

Only a fifth of those women had sought support.

It's important for me to mention this, because being in a happy and supportive relationship is the #1 predictor of longevity.

Too many women struggle alone with menopause. I want to debunk the mindset that we have to suffer through it.
It hurts women and their relationships in a way that could be prevented with more support.

Men, hormones and longevity

The dominant sex hormone in men is testosterone. Most of it is bound to other proteins, which prevents its action. When hormones are properly balanced, men should have 2-3% of total testosterone free to function.
Levels of free testosterone are heavily influenced by genetics social factors and environmental factors.

There are a lot of myths surrounding testosterone.
For example, saying that high testosterone promotes aggression is
overly simplistic and has been debunked.
Contrary to common beliefs,
some research found that men with the highest levels of testosterone were more likely to become committed partners and fathers.

Aging comes with a slow and gradual decrease in testosterone in men. However, some men experience lower testosterone than expected.

Testosterone levels in men have been declining over time. Studies currently estimate that up to 40% of adult males in the US have low testosterone.

Belly fat, regular drinking, and low physical activity are risk factors for lower testosterone levels.

Testosterone replacement therapy has become common, popular and is easily accessible. However, there are risks associated with TRT when done in younger men and using doses that are much higher than physiological doses.

It's important to seek the guidance of a physician for this type of treatment, which, similarly to hormone replacement therapy in women can provide benefits in older men.

Strategies for optimizing sex hormones:
- Get tested: find out what your levels are
- Exercise, build muscle
- Engage in healthy competition
- Limit alcohol intake

Sexual function and sexual drive matter for longevity

Sex is a strong connector between partners in a lifelong relationship.

Mismatch libido: a difference in sexual desires between partners, is very common.

When I became a mother and I breastfed my daughter, my sexual desire vanished. This is normal, based on the hormones at play.
But we should not settle on this. Lifelong partnerships can suffer from mismatch libido.

It takes a lot of empathy, understanding, and effort on the part of each person to make things work through the many seasons of a lifelong relationship. And it matters for our health and longevity.

Data suggest that for men, quantity of sex correlates with longevity, while for women it is quality.

Research suggests that men who are sexually active (defined as at least once per week) have a 50% reduction in all cause mortality compared to those who are not sexually active.

Balancing sex hormones is a key aspect of nurturing sexual desire.

I hope today's email helped you think about how hormones impact the relationship you have to yourself and those around you.

Changes in hormones are a normal part of aging - to some extent.
It's important to tease apart imbalances and normal changes.

Finding a professional that can help us assess hormones can be a game changer for you and your relationship to those you love.

This is one of my monthly goal: connect with a naturopathic clinic where I can get this checked.

Let me know if you do the same.



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1UP: the extra life newsletter

This is a newsletter for longevity-focused wealth-builders to feel younger than they are. I share tips and principles to empower you to add quality years to your life by increasing your healthspan with the science of aging. Start leveraging the compounding effect for your health now.

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