The breath of life in number: VO2 max testing

Hello Reader

First, a huge thanks to those of you who have taken the time to answer the survey! The opportunity to get in the draw for the book "Outlive" and a free longevity assessment is now closed and the winner has been contacted.

However if you want to see topics that are more relevant to you in this newsletter, you can still go here and make your voice heard.
I'd love to get to know you better.

As for today, I was wondering... Do you celebrate Valentine's day?

This year I am doing something very different.

I am giving myself the present of awareness and clarity with the best indicator of my cardiovascular health, and the most predictive measure of lifespan:

VO2 Max

February is heart month. Great time to see how mine is doing.

What is VO2 max:

This means maximum volume of oxygen. The test can be done on a stationary bike or a treadmill. It consists in ramping up intensity, then going as hard as you can for a few minutes, while wearing a mask to measure how much oxygen your body can take in.

This test tells us how well our heart can pump and how far our breath goes (cardio-respiratory fitness). So it's not surprising to see that it is also highly correlated to lifespan.

VO2 max is a measure of our capacity to move and engage with life.

Here is how longevity expert Dr. Peter Attia puts it in his book "Outlive":

VO2 max is a key to maintaining fulfilling independent life as you age.

You have probably heard of maximum heart rate. It is useful to know this when creating a training plan.
One way to estimate it is to subtract your age from the number 220. But this is not accurate.
Instead, the VO2 max test measures it precisely.

With this number, you can then find your target heart rate thresholds for zone 1, zone 2, zone 3 and beyond.

These zones are used in building a training program to engage different systems.

VO2 max is the measure for the breath of life.

Why I'm taking this test:

Reason #1: A solid KPI

Now that you know more about this number, you can probably see why I want to get it.

I am done guessing and winging it, I want to get data on my fitness levels.

Yes I'm interested in how long and how well I can live with my current habits and capacity.

But I am even more interested in finding KPIs for my health and longevity: key performance indicators that I can benchmark against.

By getting my VO2 max today, I can start competing with myself to improve it.
This will be the starting point of my training program for longevity.

I will then test again in one year, February 2025.

I am also taking this test today because I am building the ONLY lifestyle-based longevity program. I am patient 0.
The program will rely on :
- VO2 max testing for fitness and longevity
- DEXA scan for visceral fat
- grip strength as a marker of overall strength
- an epigenetic test for biological age

It will then provide a clear roadmap and action steps to greater healthspan and lifespan. These markers will provide evidence,

This program will be the only evidence-based lifestyle program for longevity available on the market.

I will share with you all about these tests throughout the next few months as I take them (make sure to invite friends and family).
2024 will be epic. I can't tell you how excited I am about this.
I will open the program to beta testers in the fall of this year (Make a note!!).

Now, I'm not gonna lie, I'm feeling a bit nervous right now (my test is in one hour as I write this email).
Because I don't expect to do so well on this test. I'm not the fittest right now.
And because I know it's also painful as it requires to run or pedal until exhaustion. I'm not really looking to that.

I have a mix of excitement and aversion.

Reason #2: It is trainable

That said, I would not be sad even if I test below average.

Because the greatest benefits for our health are found when jumping from the lowest levels to above verage.

Research shows that going from a VO2 max below normal to the upper limit of normal is associated with a 4.9 years increase in lifespan!

With training, you can get +5 years of life if you are not doing great.

Reason #3: You

Having this community to share this adventure with makes it even more fun. I decided to build the only lifestyle-based program for longevity in public and I want you to gain a greater understanding of lifespan and healthspan along with me.

I want to walk the talk and model longevity science and lifestyles in motion.

I want you to ask questions and share your thoughts.
So please, hit reply and let me know what questions came up for you.

Cost and availability

The VO2 max test is widely available: you can find it in many gyms, fitness facilities, sports labs, etc. Depending on where you live, a quick google search will point you to the right spot.

Here in Edmonton, I booked my test with Connect Physiotherapy. They got me to the Sport and Health Assessment Centre at the University of Alberta. After the test, I then meet with one of the strength conditioning coaches at Connect for a consultation that goes in depth with my results.

The test itself takes only 15-20 minutes (including warm up and cool down), but with some preparation and an opportunity to ask questions, I budgeted one hour.

For the test and the consultation, I am only paying $130 (CAD), which makes this test, that gives tons of valuable info on my fitness level and lays out the basis of training, super affordable.

I'm leaving it here for today.

In my next email, I will share my results with you and more on How to train VO2 Max.

Super excited to do this and to share this with you.

Are you interested in getting your VO2 max? Please email me back to tell me, and whether yes or no, why?

Chat real soon


PS: It would mean the world to me if you could forward this email to someone you love, or someone you know, who cares about their heart and are curious to know how they could live a longer richer life.
When you send them this email, they can then sign up

Thank you <3

1UP: the extra life newsletter

This is a newsletter for longevity-focused wealth-builders to feel younger than they are. I share tips and principles to empower you to add quality years to your life by increasing your healthspan with the science of aging. Start leveraging the compounding effect for your health now.

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